Yuman Gao
Ph.D. student at FASTLab Zhejiang University / Hybrid Robotics Group UC Berkeley

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Robotics at FASTLab, Zhejiang University, advised by Prof. Fei Gao and Prof. Chao Xu. I am also a visiting student scholar at Hybrid Robotics Group, UC Berkeley, advised by Prof. Koushil Sreenath.
Additionally, I have a one-year internship in the Planning and Control Group at DJI Technology Co.. Before that, I received my Bachelor’s Degree at Control Sciense College, Zhejiang University, and concurrently being a menber in ACEE (Advanced Honor Class of Engineering Education) at Chu Kochen Honors College.
My primary interest of research lie in Motion Planning, Multi-agent System, Reinforcement Learning.